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Herman Haas Hardware & Implement Company

525 State StreetState & West Main Streets, Northwest Corner
Away back in 1886, before many of the men now connected with the Harvester Company were born, a McCormick account was opened at Weiser, Idaho, with a firm then known as Haas Brothers, and composed of Herman and Bernard Haas.
(Click Image for Enlargement, if available)
Weiser was then only a tiny village with a few stores and a post office and was the scene of many a merry roundup of the now almost extinct cowboy.

The account of Haas Brothers was necessarily small in the beginning and their business was more or less precarious; for at that time harvesting machines were hated instruments to the grazing industry. The business was economically right, however, and the system that could get no more returns from an acre of land than food for one cow was destined to be supplanted. The business of Haas Brothers found a footing and had a steady and somewhat remarkable growth. Last year their business ran very close to the (quarter million mark. Several years ago Bernard Haas retired from the business; and Herman Haas is now president of the company and takes an active interest in the management of the concern.
(Click Image for Enlargement, if available)
Weiser Signal – July 5, 1900
Harry W. Wolf, secretary and treasurer of the Herman Haas Hardware and Implement Company, Ltd., is, in the writer’s opinion, one of the best posted and most up-to-date business men that there is in the state of Idaho to-day. The company carries one of the most complete stocks of hardware, vehicles and machines that can be found, and the one picture reproduced above will give some idea of the splendid business house they now occupy. It is a phrase often used in Idaho that “If Haas doesn’t carry it, it isn’t worth carrying,” and courteous manner and business-like methods are largely responsible for his company’s success.

There appears above one of the best advertisements that can be seen in the country. People passing one way are reminded that the Weber is a product that A new angle in advertising and. how Herman Haas becomes famous in Idaho can be guaranteed, and when passing the other way they are reminded that McCormick harvesting machines are the best and strongest made. Both of these huge advertisements emphasize the fact that the name of Herman Haas is pre-eminent in the implement trade in Idaho. It is no surprise to us to find a large and highly successful business coupled with a wide advertising campaign – the two are usually found connected.

International Harvester Dealers of the Past – Last Update: 3/02/2019
Fleming Truck & Equipment Company, Inc., Weiser ID <–1913–>
Weiser Truck & Implement Company, Weiser ID <–1948-1979–> 
Weiser Equipment, Inc., Weiser ID <–1984–>
Clabby Motor Company, Weiser ID <–1961-1971–>
Herman Haas Hardware & Implement Company, Ltd., Weiser ID <–1913–>
Johnson & Bryant Farm Equipment, Weiser ID

 IH Dealers of the Past
Later became Wulff Hardware (Harry Wulff was Haas’ Nephew)
Then C.C. Anderson’s Dept. Store
And then The Merc
 People’s Furniture in 1988
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