Searching Tip – Use the least amount of words necessary, and choose the correct name from the results. (e.g. “Jones,” not “T Jones,” “T. Jones,” “TS Jones,” “T.S. Jones,” “Ted Jones,” etc. – just “Jones.”)
Children and volunteers from Weiser arrive at the Ontario Walmart Saturday for the Ho Ho Express event hosted by Joe Malay. This year it took 10 buses to transport the 225 youths and 200 volunteers to the annual event. Each child received $50 to spend on holiday gifts for themselves and their family.
Cristina Arana examines a toy oven in the crowded aisles of Walmart’s toy section. Youths and their helpers flocked to the toy section with excitement about the choices that awaited them.
The Weiser Police Department assisted in the event by escorting the buses and overseeing shoppers.
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