John Fagerstedt came up Wednesday from Weiser where he has established himself in the cigar and pool hall business.
John informs us that he has secured a good location and is doing a good business. He caters only to the best trade and has the support of the business men of Weiser.
He will immediately pack his household goods and ship them to his new home.
Mrs. Fagerstedt will leave in a few days for a three months visit with her parents at Boulder, Colorado.
To the Republican, Mr. Fagerstedt stated that he regretted leaving Mountain Home and believes that there is a promising future in store for our city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fagerstedt have a host of friends who will regret to see them leave and with these the Republican wishes for them success in their new home.
From Elmore County Republican – Mountain Home, Idaho Sat, Mar 4, 1911 – Page 1