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Sunnyside Grade School

Memories of Linda (Carpenter) Peterson and her mother Maxine (Scheloske) Carpenter
I had 12 friends from the Sunnyside School that went all 12 years of school with me.  They were Diana Anderson, Ned Anderson, Shirley Carpenter, Dean Davies, Lester Eisenbarth, Donna Kautz, Steve Mackay, Joyce Macomb, Sonja Peterson, Dan Pike, Duane Youngberg, and Nola Zaugg.
My mother, Maxine (Scheloske) Carpenter, had some notes about the schools at Sunnyside. One page said the first school in Sunnyside started in 1884, and was held in a home which was rented from Peter Pence at $5 per month. The first teacher was Miss Anne Shaw, for three months at $120, from September to December 1884.
J.W. Kelly, clerk of the Board for School District #16, furnished lumber for seats and black board, and made same for the cost of $5.
In 1885 the school house was again rented from Peter Pence for four months at $5 per month. The teacher for August 15, a Mrs. Dorothy Rogers, was paid $45 a month for a total of $180.
December 9, 1885 School Trustees of District #16 met as provided by law and ordered an election for the purpose of voting on a tax of .04 mills on the $100 to build and locate a school house in said district.
December 19, 1885 Board of Trustees met as provided by law for the purpose of holding an election and J.A. McGinnis was elected clerk with James M, Cole as Judge. Polls opened at one o’clock p.m. and closed at 5 o’clock. Votes counted, Tax: yes 7, no none, and all in favor. James M. Cole was duly appointed Tax Collector.
The location of this school was under the present ditch at the top of the lane of present Sunnyside School across the road from the John Moulton home (which wasn’t built until 1901) this piece of land was leveled and the school built in 1886 by Samuel Wulff for $45. The school was later moved to the Crystal Lane site.
The seats in the school, by the ditch on Sunnyside Lane, were benches around the outside walls, with tables for desks and the old pot bellied stove stood in the middle of the room, so everyone could keep warm.
August 3, 1886 – Lumber $73.70
August 6 – James Shaw, shingles $17.50
August 9 – Simondy, windows and doors $18.00
August 20 – Hass, nails and locks $9.50
August 20 – Samuel Wuff, building of School $45.00
August 30 – John Irons, digging well $9.00
September 4 – broom and chalk $0.75
October 2 – stove and stove pipe $17.30
The size of District #16 was from the Weiser River up the Cove and included all of Crystal, in other words the whole Valley. The Kelly children lived by the Weiser River and walked over the hill to school. Mrs. Dora Martin, daughter of J.W. Kelly, told of watching the first train go through and how for years you could see the trail the children had made over the hill to school.
Parents and Guardians in School District #16 were:
John W. Kelly
B. R. Jones
F. Westerville
Daniel Glascock (my great grandfather)
Clinton Glascock (my Great Uncle)
L. Dawson
L. Day
James Shaw
J. Maginanis
J. L. Thompson – Guardian
John Jeffrey – Guardian
M. Johnston
J. Smith
James Glascock (my great uncle)
B. Tablor
Teacher – Anna Day, salary $35.00 a month for four months commencing March 14, 1886.
In 1922 the School board consisted of H.B. Hollenberg and Bert White and Clerk, Henry Raubach
The present school was built spending $12,250 dollars and the third teacher was hired in February 1923.
The old school was sold in three parts to Raubach, Ingram and Wess Hubbard for $225.00. These men tore the building down.
The bonds for this school was for 20 years with the interest and principal being paid off. This was to be the first school in the State to have this kind of bond. They had them paid off in the 20 years.
This school had a fire during the Xmas vacation in 1948, it started in the furnace room, it did a lot of smoke damage and some floor joist and two by fours had to be replaced in the stair way and also in the wall in the hallway and then quiet a bit of painting had to be done. School was only a week late starting.
The last School Board for District #44 ? Was Walter Whittat, Eugene Aldrich , Clerk was Mrs. Larson
After voting a number of times this District was consolidated with the Weiser, Flat, Cove and Manns Creek to be District #431 in 1950
In 1954 it was finally voted and passed to remodel this school to a modern Primary School. The contractor was C. B. Launch of Boise who bid $29,447. This bid did not include the desks, but did include lighting, bathroom, floor tiling , stage and downstairs finished,  the windows lowered from the great big old tall ones to the modern wide and low ones. Architector fees were $1,766.82 or 6% of contract.
The first telephone was installed in 1953. This same year the board had the two book rooms at the top of the stairs made into bath room (with the fixtures coming from the old institute building.) Before this time we had to use the two little White House by the fence.
Hot Lunch program at Sunnyside School
1941, 1942, 1943 – the hot lunch was one hot dish fixed from government surplus.
The cooks were Mrs. Cherri, Mrs. Ben Cope, another Mrs. Cope and helper Mrs. David Frank. The reason the hot lunch quit, was the cooks asked for a 10 cent raise.
1953-1954, the hot lunch came into being again with the backing of the PTA. With the following officers: Mrs. Dorothy Macomb – president, Mrs. Neola Dunker – book keeper, Mrs. Pearl Jackson – buyer,
Mr. James Cronk my fifth and six grade teacher, Mrs. Roxy Youngberg – chairman, Mrs. Virginia Odoms – cook.
Days served – 171, number of meals, children: 15,325, adults- 866,
1954-1955, committee – Pearl Jackson, Bea Campbell – chairman, Neola Dunker – buyer, bookkeeper, Dorothy Macomb, Mr. Cronk,
Days served 171 Number of meals child 13,903
1955-1956, Committee – Roxy Youngberg, Maxine Carpenter—-Sec my mother,Neola Dunker —- buyer — bookkeeper, Mrs. Alder my third and fourth grade teacher, Jackie Pridgeon , Alice Stone
cooks Virginia Odoms and Ruth Batzel
Days served 171 meals child 10,085
1956- 1955, committee Grace Pennington-chairman , Vella Michael, Sec. Mrs. Alder , Joyce Judd, Neola Dunker — buyer, and Bookkeeper. Rhoma Dille cook
September to January days served 93 meals 6,723,
1957-1958 – Presidents Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Dunker
Vice Presidents Mr. & Mrs. Gene Dilkes
Secretary Mr. & Mrs. Jay Bennion
Treasury Mr. & Mrs. Ben Gochnour
Funds from the dinner were all used for the budget which had been set up previously.
1958-1959, President – Mrs. Rulon Zaugg,
Vice President – Mrs. Don Kautz,
Secretary – Mrs. George Dusenberry,
Treasury – Mrs. Raymond Eisenbarth
It was decided to only have one person as officer rather than a Mr. & Mrs. An annual dinner has been held again this year. The Mothers also did a lot of canning to help their lunch program. We are still members of the council which is very inactive, but is still giving scholarships and the Teachers luncheon and reception.
Sunnyside PTA
The first meeting was held on October 24, 1952 with Joe Peterson, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Herron, Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Alder present. They then called a meeting for November 1952.
The meeting was called to order by Joe Peterson for the purpose of organizing a P. T. A. A vote was taken and everyone was in favor. ( Mrs. Burns and Jen Nelson were speakers). With the following officers.
President: Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Macomb
Vice President: Mr. & Mrs. Evern Youngberg
Secretary: Mr. & Mrs. Joe Herron
Treasurer: Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Carpenter
1953- 1954 the same officers
1954-1955 President: Mr.& Mrs. Delbert Jackson
Vice President: Mr.& Mrs. Rulon Zaugg
Secretary: Mr.& Mrs. Bill Micheal
Treasurer : Mr. & Mrs. John Kerner
1955-1956 President: Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Pridgeon
Vice President: Mr. & Mrs. Howard Stone. My neighbors
Secretary: Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Dille
Treasurer: Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Macomb
President:Mr. & Mrs. E. O. Judd
Vice President: Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Dunker.
Secretary: Mr. & Mrs.Ben Gochnour
Treasurer: Mr. & Mrs. Dale Eisenbarth
The PTA Was organized for the purpose of getting a hot lunch and other needed things for the school, and also to help get the teachers and parents closer together.
In 1953, we voted to back a hot lunch and meet with the school board to find out about fixing a room and getting equipment. They fixed up the present room, furnished a stove and refrigerator. Then the PTA started having food sales, carnivals, etc. At the end of school they had a kitchen shower. The school board also built tables.
In 1954 They had a carnival for needed expenses and also to help get equipment.
1955 They had the first chicken and noodle dinner with a carnival the same night. During this year we purchased linoleum for table tops. Also a committee composed of Dorothy Macomb, Alice Stone, and Maxine Carpenter were appointed to see about getting a projector for the school. The school board backed us and in May of 1955 we purchased a projector.
In 1955-1956, They had their annual dinner. This year we had to work to keep our hot lunch as the attendance had been cut, the school board gave the money we should have paid on the projector to the PTA, so it could apply to bills. They also had a pot luck supper and dance to help our treasury out.
1956-1957, again they had the annual dinner, this year we got the teachers some records and games.
The school buses for Sunnyside School.
In 1936: The board met to discuss the school bus, they decided to rent a bus with a driver. This first bus was owned by John Dusenberry, who drove the bus for almost 2 years, during that time the students went on a strike and walked home from where the radio station was located. The next morning they were called into the principals office and some of the students had to report to the police station. But they did get a new bus driver who was Albert Powell.
In 1939 the board met and again discussed the bus and decided to buy their own bus, which they did. The driver was Albert Powell again and drove for a half a year, with Delbert Baker finishing the year.
The district had the route for the bus go West to the Snake River on then the airport road, which is now called River Dock Road, then back up the Feltham Road, which is now called Airport Road. The bus then went up to Fred Eisenbarths where it turned around, then went the highway to school, then North to Dillion Lane (I have no idea where this lane is located,) then turned at Couper Lane , then on the highway to town.
The only wreck on this route happened in 1950, the morning being awfully foggy. This bus was rammed from behind when struck by a Greyhound bus, the bus was turned over on its side. All the windows were broke but lucky none of the children were hurt. The insurance company declared it a total loss. The driver was Adrain Carpenter. Guess what I was on that bus. I got on the bus at my house on Feltham Lane, I had to stand in the aisle of the bus, because all the seats were full. It was so foggy the bus driver missed the first driveway and he was going to the second to turn . Of course the Greyhound Bus hit the bus. The Greyhound bus was going so fast it almost ended up on the railroad tracks. All the seats fell apart. My lunch box was crushed, but my thermos bottle did not break. I got out of school for the day. But whenever it’s foggy I don’t drive anywhere if I don’t have too. If I can remember right I think the school bus driver was cut with some glass. But none of us was hurt. I was in the second grade.
The drivers according to my Mother’s notes said the drivers of the bus were John Dusenberry, Albert Powell, Delbert Baker , Paul Krause, Adrain Carpenter, no relation, Ralph Thompson and Deward Grace.
I rode the school bus from my house for almost all of my 12 years of school. I just missed 6 weeks, when we moved into town.
About the same time as the school buses. The lawn and trees were planted by L.D. Anderson. They were brought from farmers of Crystal for $2.50 a piece for the Evergreens. The fence in front was also put up and then the rail around the lawn. During this time they put in the plumbing by Jim and Leon Gelskey, (not sure about the spelling, my mother’s hand writing is hard to read)
The trustees were Jim Anderson, Albert Scheloske, and Clerk was Mrs. Archie Larson.
Early settlers Willoughly Adams, Mrs. Baker, Dick Williams, Aug. Brockman, Earl Caldwell, John Moulton, Mrs. Dinden, John Anderson – 1911 Dorothy at Merc, Dicks at Court House. Teachers, Clabby, John Myers, Mrs. Wesley Roehr, Payette.
Teachers : Mrs.Francis Bardmans (county superintendent 1906) one room school about 1906. She drove from Weiser in a buggy with a horse. Grace Bohren walked (no idea from where)
2 rooms: Beulah Moulton, Cochrane, Carlson, Eunice Clabby, Jean Shearen, Jean Cairpen, Francis Woodhome, Mrs. Vogue.
Bond issue for new school 3 times. (That age is all in someone else handwriting.)
On the other side it says 3 rooms: Miss Tonkin, Richardson, Carlson, Jean Shearen. Jean Couper, Francis Woods. Board members while they taught were Henry Raubach, R.D. Griffin, Roy Hicks, H.B. Hollenberg, Mrs. Larson, Albert Scheloske,(my grandfather.)
68 pupils – 4 grades in two rooms school – my room 5, 6, 7, 8.
49 in primary room 1, 2, 3, 4 – Eunice Clabby
County Superintendent Beulah Moulton, Olive Petrashekb Hailey, and Gladys Houston.
That is all I have on Sunnyside School.
From  Linda  Peterson – Weiser Museum Facebook Group
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