Searching Tip – Use the least amount of words necessary, and choose the correct name from the results. (e.g. “Jones,” not “T Jones,” “T. Jones,” “TS Jones,” “T.S. Jones,” “Ted Jones,” etc. – just “Jones.”)
1880 census Elgin, Illinois. Married to Elizabeth with 7 year old adopted daughter, Clara. He was a photographer
1900 census lived at Weiser Academy with wife and nephew, Elmer Maryatt. whom he raised.
Judge T. P. Maryatt
An old timer of Weiser and Washington County, a man whom every person respected as a gentleman and scholar, passed to that bourne from whence no traveler returns at 7:20 yesterday morning.
After an illness of seven weeks with typhoid fever, Thomas P. Maryatt was called home.
Mr. Maryatt was born at Mansfield, Ohio, 59 years ago. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College, also of the Chicago Law school. He came to Weiser 21 years ago, and ever since has been identified with the interests of the county and city. Mr. Maryatt was particularly interested in the cause of education, and at the time of his death was a trustee of the Weiser public schools, also an instructor and a member of the managing board of Idaho Industrial Institute of this city. He leaves a wife and two sisters, and a nephew whom he had raised from an infant, to mourn him. One sister is a resident of Hudson, Wisconsin, the other of New Plymouth, Canyon county.
Early in life he united with the Baptist Church, but of late years had identified himself with the Unitarian Church. Mr. Maryatt’s death leaves a void in this community that it will be hard to fill. Much of the success of the schools of the city and county are due to his untiring efforts in their behalf,
The funeral services will be held at 3 o’clock this afternoon at the Congregational Church.
A special program has been arranged. Rev, Rogers of the Congregational Church will read the scripture and lead in prayer; Mr. E. A. Paddock will make a few remarks on behalf of the Idaho Industrial Institute; C. W. Luck, on behalf of Weiser Academy; Miss Mary L. Travis, on behalf of the WeiserPublic Schools; T. C. Galloway will read a selection “The Invisible Choir,” by request of Mr. Maryatt. Miss Marianna Jones will sing a solo,
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