Weiser Secures Airport Priority
(The Statesman Idaho Wire)
Priorities for the purchase of materials which are essential in the erection of a hangar at the Weiser Municipal Airport, have been secured and the work of constructing the building will be started without delay. This information was given out Monday by Leslie Johnson, city engineer, who has general supervision of the work of improving the air field, by the building of runways and the installation of facilities.
Johnson said the hangar, which is the first of a number that will be erected, if, and when, the “master building plan”, submitted by the Civil Aeronautics administration, is put into effect, will be 60 by 78 feet in size. The structure will house six planes of the type and size likely to make use of the field. A portion of the building will be utilized by a shop in which necessary repairs can be made on planes. The building will be constructed of cinder blocks.
The Idaho Statesman
Boise, Idaho · Tuesday, April 10, 1945